Rack of Lamb

Main Dish

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- Two (2) racks of lamb

- One (1) tsp. rosemary

- One (1) tsp oregano

- Salt and pepper, to taste

- One (1) tbsp. olive oil

- 2/3 cup pistachio nuts

- Two (2) tbsp. dry bread crumbs

- One (1) tbsp. butter, melted

- One (1) tsp olive oil

- Salt, pepper and garlic, to taste

- Four (4) tbsp. dijon mustard



- Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

- Cut the fat side off each rack of lamb and season generously with thyme, oregano, salt and pepper.

- Add two tbsp. of olive oil to a large skillet on the stove at high heat.  Place lamb in skillet and brown on  all sides and set aside.

- In a food processor, mix the pistachios, bread crumbs, butter olice oil and  salt and pepper.  

- Spread dijon mustard on each side of the meat and pat the pistacheo on top (using the mustard as an adhesive). 

- Cook in oven for 20 - 25 minutes, until it reaches an internal temp of 124 degrees.

- Rest for 10 minutes


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